Motel Set Design for editorial

All American Motel Set indoor and outdoor. All the props and sets are custom made in the studio. With different paint techniques and wall finishings. A nice collection of Set Design elements are coming together in this photoshoot.

Motel Set Design custom made by Gloudy for editorial in La Vie en Rose (NL)  Motel Set design custom made by Gloudy for editorial in La Vie en Rose (NL)  Motel Set design custom made by Gloudy for editorial in La Vie en Rose (NL)  Motel Set design custom made by Gloudy for editorial in La Vie en Rose (NL)  Motel Set Design for fashion editorial  Motel Set Design for fashion editorial  Motel Set Design for fashion editorial  Window Motel Set Design for editorial

© Photo's by Marc de Groot